Attack Of The Clones Theatrical Version

  1. Attack Of The Clones Theatrical Version Free

EXCLUSIVE: I learned of this decision just now from ‘s promotional partners who are telling me the studio now owned by Disney wants to focus only on “rebooting the franchise” with three new films. This surprising decision follows the underwhelming box office performance of Episode I: The Phantom Menace re-released in 3D in February 2012. It debuted to only $23M domestically but maybe even more importantly hardcore fans felt it was yet another craven cash grab by. Back in September 2010, and then-distributor announced that all 6 films in the franchise would be converted to 3D. Episode II: Attack Of The Clones (first released on May 16, 2002) was to hit theaters in 3D on September 20th, 2013, while Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith (first released on May 19, 2005) was to play in 3D on October 11, 2013. This news comes just days after scheduled to be released in 2015. It’s the first new Star Wars movie since 2005. Michael Arndt is writing the script.

Disney, with the Star Wars franchise obviously the jewel in the crown. At the time, Disney CEO Bob Iger said three more Star Wars films were in the pipeline.


You may have heard of it. In fact, if you haven't heard of it, welcome back to Planet was the past few decades floating around the universe?Anyway, the movie's set for release next week. Officially, it hits theaters on Thursday, May 16th.

Attack Of The Clones Theatrical Version Free

To capitalize on the mild success the movie's going to have (oh, who are we kidding, the movie's going to kick ass and take names at the box office), has recruited the help of to produce a Game Boy Advance game that follows the action and plot of the theatrical release. Palmer Productions was previously responsible for Doom on the GBA for Activision, as well as the extremely forgettable Men in Black. The studio's latest production definitely captures the flair of the Star Wars universe in a side-scrolling action title featuring huge sprites, vibrant colors, explosive sound effects and music ripped right out of the movie series.