Google Assistant Hue Voice Commands
Philips Hue Reddit Community Rules.Posts must be about the Philips Hue lighting system.Please be respectful to other users. Don't use derogatory or offensive language.No low effort posts. This includes memes or posts of Hue boxes where the poster is not looking to incite any meaningful discussion.Don't spam. We do allow clear and responsible self-promotion of Hue-related products as long as the poster doesn't abuse this rule.
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We will review accounts posting a lot of 'deals' content as well.Please flair your posts approriately.No affiliate links allowed.FAQ. How do I tell the difference between Hue hardware?Links.Wiki. (Outdated)Developers. Hey everybody!I have three Hue lights in one room.
I have set each bulb to represent a different room as I wanted to be able to control each bulb by it's own. The Hue app on Android has a widget where you can choose different scenes/modes set to a specific color and turn them on with a single press. So I press 'chilling' (or whatever the name is) and all three lights turn on their color.I have one mode I always use when watching TV. It is linked to the widget.Now I'd like to set this scene using my newly received Google Home Mini but it doesn't work. With IFTTT you can only set one scene. But I set a 'scene' (more like: one specific color) for each of the three bulbs. So that doesn't work.Am I missing something and I organized this stuff completely wrong or are there any ways to achieve this?Thanks!.