Perfect Dark N64 Pc

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There are three ways you can do this. Eitheron agent, or super or perfect agent. If you do this on superor perfect, it will be lit, if on regular, itwill be dark and you will need your night visionon.

What you do is go under solo mission andclick on dataDyne Central - Extraction and youclick on either of the agents, what you do is,(here I'm going to do like a walkthrough, so barewith me.) btw, this is with super agent.The lights are off, put on your night vision, nowgo to the slide door and shoot the guard behindthe table, then open the next door, and shoothim, then shoot the 2 guards behind those bluebarrel like things, then go back to where youcame from and go left, you will find anotherguard, shoot him then go around the corner. Shootthem two guards behind the counter, then goaround the next corner. Another guard is aroundit, shoot him, then you will see a door after yougo past him, try to open it. It will not open sogo up the stairs and you will see those barrelthings again, shoot the guards behind them andcall down the elevator. If the lights come on,take of ur night vision, other wise keep them onuntil they do.

Once the elevator comes down, andget in it (don't let Dr. Carol get in it!) closethe door quickly and go up. Mission 1 complete.Next it says to destroy the data dynehovercopter.

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Wait till the elevator gets you to afloor, then get out. Turn right and go down thehallway. Then turn right and a guard will bebehind a table, kill him. Enter the door behindhim, and go forward. A guard or 2 of Cassandra'swill appear, kill them. Then go to the next room.(the smallest door)and shoot the guard behind it.(watch out for the copter!!!!) After you kill theguard the copter should be starting to shoot atyou. Run back to the hallway you were at before.Get into the elevator you didn't get into lasttime and go up to the next floor.

The monment youget to the next floor, the path way is blocked sogo the opposite way. There will be 2 guards,shoot them and then go through the 2 doubledoors. The go around, killing all the guardsuntil you get to where you can go up to the firstfloor. (again, watch out for the copter!!!!) Onceyou open the door, go up the steps. Open the doorat the top and shoot the guard who is guardingthe rocket, wait for the copter to break theglass, then choose the R-launcher to shoot thecopter down.

Mission 2 complete. You may have toshoot the glass with a gun then choose thelauncher to shoot it down!

Also, if you missed, goahead and go into the room with the stairs and goup them and to where Cassandra is - kill her bodyguards and then objective 3 complete. Go up theramp and see if there is a rocket out side of thetower, if so, pick it up and then go back insideto the main floor and shoot it down. (if youmissed that is)then once all other objectives arecomplete except for the landing pad, go down backto the foyer and you know that door you couldn'tget into the first time, go back to it and therewill be those people listed in the submissiontitle above this. You can shoot them and then getto the landing pad and they will be as bloody asyou made them. (I'm not sure if you need the cardthat you need to get to get into Cassandra'soffice or not, didn't try it.). Get a Pheonix gun, and set it on explosivs. Thengo to the first level.

Kill all the people, thengo down the stairs and to the computer on thewall. To the right of the computer there is apipe. Shoot it with the Pheonix.

If a hole doesnot appear when you shoot it, then shoot it inother places. When the hole appearsgo down thehole and into a room.

You will see a window, andin it is a piece of cheese! (Note: Someone talkedaboute a peice of cheese in every level already,I guess this is one of them.) And it doesn't endthere. When you are in the room shoot the northwall with a Pheonix. Go through the hole and intothe room with the boss lady in it. On the level Area 51 Rescue, kill all the guys inthat first huge room. Then go up the first longelevator in that level. Get off the elevator andgo right.

There is a guy far away by a door. Killhim and try to open that door.

It will say thatthe door is locked. Stay there for a second. Aguy will open the door. Don't shoot him. He willsay something and start to run away. Follow him.He will lead you to a elevator. Go in theelevator and you will go up.

Get out of theelevator and go through the four doors. Once yougo through that fourth door, you'll be in a bigroom. Go at the end of that room and on a benchis a Phoenix. This will help you during thatlevel because you won't have to use your dragonon that 'X' marked spot later on in that level.

In the level 'Area 51 - Infiltration,' there is a rocket launcher sitting on a helipad surrounded by land mines. Until i figured out the pattern of the mines, I had been using grenades to set them off so I could get the rocket launcher. This does work, but if you are out of grenades, or have baddies shooting at you, you don't have the time to set them off. However, there is a path that you can take in this case.

Once you go through the hole in the fence, take a right. Stay close to the fence until you get to the top of a little hill. At this point you must turn left, so hug the wall and turn. Stay with the wall until you reach the far corner of the helipad (about halfway through the snowfield). At this point you may run straight to the helipad to collect thelauncher. If you did not go far enough along the wall, you run the risk of hitting a mine, so be careful.

After you get the launcher, go to the wall opposite the one you were running along earlier. Stay in the shadow of this wall (dark strip) until you reach an alcove. At this point, you are safe from the mines, and may feel free to get the shield, blow up the interceptor, etc. By crawling through the small passage. If you have trouble getting it right, turn on 'Jo Shield,' 'Super Shield,'or 'Invincibility' in the cheat menu so you can practice.

There are invisible guards but they are notcloaked, and you can´t see them even using X-raygoggles, farsite or IR Scanner.You can find 2 ghosts in the game. The first oneis in Carrington Istitute: Rigth when you start,turn arround and shoot a Rocket (or somethingexplosive) to the wall. The ghost will apearright in front of you.To find the second ghost go to Maian SOS. Afterkilling all the guards at the beginning, get outthe lab. Here are two guards, one onthe left side and the other on the right side.Kill them bouth, and the guy with the the doubleMagnum-LX too. When you´re finish go right in themiddle of the two crio-chamber doors.

Perfect Dark 360 Rom

Take out anexplosive (it´s better with a remote mine) andplant it in the floor. Take distance and then.Boom.!!!! The other ghost will appear flyingin the air. Creepy don´t?? Go to Area 51-Rescue.

Go all the way up to thefloor where you make the wall blow up. There areguards on the floor.

Get into the elevator beforethey go down it. Then when your at the top floor,there will be a little roof-like thing that islow. Take out a rocket launcher and shoot one ofthe guys under the roof-like thing. Shoot attheir legs and the guard should fly strait up inthe air. If he is under the roof he will stick onto it.

Shoot him, his blood will stick to theceiling too. You can also do this after you enterthe blown up wall. Note: Do not have Dk mode onor the trick won't work.

The sneaky programmers at Rare probably used this trick as a shortcut to respawn enemies in the solo missions. There are invisible guards (not cloaked), entirely invulnerable to attacks, and you can't even seen them by using the X-Ray scanner or Farsight. To find a ghost, go to the Carrington Institute in solo missions. Equip a rocket launcher or similar weapon.

Right where you start turn around and blast a rocket against the wall. A guard will go flying upwards. Take a look at his face as well. Notice anything weird about it?

His face and torso look all out of proportion. Rare is using these ‘ghost’s’ as spawing positions for guards that have just died. Unlock The Complex By Completing 1 Challenge.Unlock The Warehouse By Completing 3 Challenges.Unlock The Ravine By Completing 5 Challenges.Unlock The Temple by Completing 6 Challenges.Unlock The G5 Bulding By Completing 9 Challenges.Unlock The grid By Completing 11 Challenges.Unlock The Felicity By Completing 12 Challenges.Unlock The Villa By Completing 14 Challenges.Unlock The Sewers By Completing 16 Challenges.Unlock The Car Park By Completing 17 Challenges.Unlock The Base By Completing 18 Challenges.Unlock The Fortress By Completing 20 Challenges.Unlock The Ruins By Completing 22 Challenges. First you must go to the basement and find thefloating crate push B to grab it.

Take it infront of the shooting gallery door. Push B tolet go of it and open the door grab it again.Take it through the glass door where you shoot.Turn around while holding onto it and let go ofit while the door is open the door shouldn't beable open now. Then go to the computer and pushB and pick any gun. You shold now be able toshoot anybody or anything outside the shootinggallery.

Using rockets and grenades you can makeall of the lights go out. If you shoot the gunsin the displays they will disappear.

You canshoot outside of the door but if you go past ityour gun disappears. This hint is for use in the 'Area 51: Rescue' mission: (only tested on AGENT mode). In the beginning of the level you will see a box in front of you that floats around. Forget the box. You will not need it.

Instead, do what you usually do, go to the top with the elevator, then get off and go all the way around to the wall. Look to your right. You will see a white metal strip on the wall with a small 'X' on it. Get out your dragon and use it's second feature (proxmity self-destruct), and throw it in front of the 'X'.

Now back away, and shoot the Dragon with your Falcon. The explosion will make a hole in the wall. Now you can go through. This is an odd glitch. First go to combat simulator and select the ruins. Start at theruins with no simulants and any guns.


Go into the big room that connects to the narrow light-brown hallways. This is the biggest room, you can't miss it. Now go to the electric door that sticks when you open it and sparks. Go between this door and turn 90 degrees. Walk forward and backward pausing for a second when you hit the wall and you will fall into black and when you look up a bunch of green.

You will then successfully done the glitch and committed suicide. 1.1 dataDyne: Defection (Perfect Agent)Laptop Gun:The hacker will open a locked door by the elevators.Dual Falcon: Dropped by the helmeted guard three floors down from the roof.1.2 dataDyne Research Investigation:Double CMP150: Make it to the weapons cache near downstairs maintenance bots without being seen.Proximity Mine: On perimeter of isotope room.1.3 dataDyne Central Extraction:DY357 Magnum: Take down the first five guards without being seen.Grenade & Dragon: make it to the elevator without being detected. Kill the first guard after taking the elevator up. Use the Key Card he drops to access Cassandra's office. Use this trick to hurl knives everybody on theupper level of the institute.

First take thecrate into the firing range, select combat kniveson bronze, switch to throwing, and throw knivesat the crate for two minutes. Then plant asingle remote mine on the crate, but don'tdetnate it.

Take the crate upstairs to eitherthe device room, the info room, or Carrington'sroom. Go back to the firing range and detonatethe mine, you may have to hit the detonator morethan once, but you can hear or at least feel theexplosion. Then go to the device room, IF YOULEFT THE CRATE THERE, DO NOT PICK UP THE KNIVESYET. Select a device for training, if the knivesare in the device room anything will do, if theyare in the info room, anything but the diguise,if in Carrington's room, select cloak and use aspairingly as possible. Carrington won't see youif you are behind him or on the other side of thetable.

First, go to the hanger and get the crate. Takeit up to the firing range and use it to prop openthe OUTSIDE DOOR, to the rest of the institute.Go into the firing range and stand in the glassdoorway, just far enough in so you can pressSTART and choose the weapon.

Select Slayer onbronze. When the training starts the door willtry to close, but you should be in its way. Youcan then use the fly-by-wire rockets to flyaround the institue, just don't hit the crate onthe way out. You can blow up couches, lights,and even go into the hanger. If you do flyoutside, try two things. First, turn up andtowards the building when you get to the roomwith the hover bike, you will see the outside ofthe enterance, go right and up a little, and lookdown, you should the cheese sitting on thebuiding.

Keep flying towards the right,eventually you will magically appear inside theinstitute again. This trick helps you in no way during the solo missions, but it's still pretty cool. First you have to unlock the grenade launcher and actavate it. Then, in mission one, after you get off the roof and kill the 1st guy, go through the doors. Then kill the 2nd guy. Turn the corner and blast a grenade at the pipe.

Then go down the pipe. You will be in a small room. Blast away at the walla nd go through! You will be in Cassandra's office! Objective one is in the bag!P.S. This works really well to fool the other person in counter-operative mode.

During a game in multi-player mode, hold A to display the quick menu. Press Z(2) and you can control who attacks, and who stays with you.

There are a few selections to choose from, which do the following:Normal: Simulant will killing everything that moves on their random path.Hold: Simulant will attack nearby enemies while holding their ground.Defend: Simulant will chase down any nearby enemies.Attack: Simulant stalks the person you tell it to attack.Follow: Simulant follows you, but chases after nearby enemies.Protect: Simulant stays close to you and attacks nearby enemies. Keep moving - standing still makes you an easy target for automatic weapons.When playing against sims (Meat, Easy, or Normal varieties), shoot weapons and ammo boxes out of their normal respawn locations then collect them. The weapon or ammo will respawn where you picked it up. Simulants will think that it has been picked up and pass it by without looking.When with your back to a corner and low health, arm a grenade or n-bomb by holding Z.

Run at your opponent - there is a chance you can also kill him.When using cloaking devices, go for easy kills by using combat knives. Slashing with the knives will allow you to stay cloaked and give you a chance to get in some damage.The larger your character, the faster you go.

Blonde is the fastest and the aliens are the slowest. The best character to use is a Maian soldier with Biotecnition head.If you are holding double guns you will take double damage.

To earn medals for your record in the combat simulator (accuracy, head shot, kill master, and survivor) log in your record for player one. Leave player two as it is already set. Shoot player two in the head each time until you have about ten kills.

Quit and you should have all four medals.To earn all medals much quicker, load your character and start a second character. Then, set the options for a level you know well and is rather small. Set the game for one kill wins with an accurate weapon, such as the Falcon. When you start the game, get the Falcon, find the second character, and shoot them in the head. This is much faster than killing the other player many times. You will get all four medals every time if you only use one bullet to kill the second character.

This is a simple move, but priceless to master. Hold Analog-stick Left + C-Right. You will circle an invisible point in the center. Practice doing this around a crate, trying to keep your gun cursor/sights on top of it. Also, try doing this with holding Analog-stick Right and C-Left to circle in the other direction.

This makes will make you harder to hit, but will keep the enemy in your sights at the same time. If your sight starts to drift from your target, just adjust your angle on the Analog-stick. Have player one select 'Combat Simulator' and choose 'Advanced Setup'. Have player two press Start. Have player one select 'Load Settings' on the advanced setup menu, but do not not select any setup yet - just remain at the 'Load Game Settings' menu. Have player two select the challenge to be completed in the advanced setup menu.

Then, have player two press Start until the green '.and waiting' screen appears. Have player one select the desired game settings in the 'Load Game Settings' menu. Note: You must have a custom or pre-made setup - you cannot alter it after it is loaded. Player one can drop out or join the game - it does not matter, however, staying in will give you two stars instead of just one. This trick can also be used in the three or four player challenges. Set all the weapons to Callisto, four Simulants to perfect, and the stage to the Facility (in advanced setup).

Then, keep restarting your game until you start in the airducts or somewhere nearby. Make sure no simulants are near you. Get the Callisto next to the urinal in the bathroom and place yourself against the door.

Set the gun to high impact shells. When someone tries to open the door they will not be able to because you will be against it. You will be able to shoot them repeatedly through the doors without giving them a chance, because the game will not let them restart in the airducts. Keep doing this until your rank is as high as it will go (level 1). Select co-operative mode, then go to the Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism level. Have both players go to the room with the ramp that leads to the President's floor.

There will be two guards standing there (one might not be there yet - he will walk in, so wait there for him). Knock them out and they will drop two key cards for the closet doors on the side of the room. Have each player open their closets (the closets contain the level's secret weapon - Double Cyclones). Then, run across to the other player's closet and enter before it closes. Since you have switched closets you will not have that key card and will be locked in.

Successfully complete the Chicago: Stealth level with a time less than 2:00 on the Perfect Agent difficulty setting.Use this strategy to help successfully complete the Chicago: Stealth level in less than 2:00. As soon as you start, punch out the guard and the CIA agent. Run through the door to the FBI agent and punch him out.

Perfect Dark N64 Rom

Run to the alleyway on the right. Punch out the guard and the two CIA agents. Pause game play and take out your gun. Kill the FBI agent through the door. Push the dumpster on the wall to reveal the explosive canisters. Shoot the canisters and blow them up. When the dumpster is blown up, take the white briefcase.

Shoot the guards. Run through the door. Run through the door on your immediate left.

Throw a Tracer Bug on the Limo. Go to the storm drain. Get the remote mine.

Run back to the room with the fire escape. Go to the fire escape and kill the two guards. Throw a Remote Mine on the door. Run to the bottom of the fire escape. Make sure there are no guards nearby, then take out your Bomb Spy. Move your Bomb Spy to the car port.

Blow up the guards with the Bomb Spy. Run to the carport to complete the mission.